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A message from me (Ed) the creator of Redeemed Podcast.
A message from me (Ed) the creator of Redeemed Podcast.
Video Transcript:
Hi, I’m Ed – creator, writer, and producer of Redeemed Podcast.
Redeemed produces dramatized stories inspired by biblical events. I’m creating this to give Christians a high-quality entertainment alternative with gospel roots and to connect my listeners with the story of Jesus in a unique and creative way.
Now besides the incredible actors I work with, it’s just me behind the scenes doing everything – writing, narrating, editing producing, etc. Because it’s just me, I’ve reached my limit and episode three is the final episode I can create alone.
I do plan to establish a team to help me produce episodes weekly, but for now, I want to create just one more episode with you. I’ve started a crowdfunding campaign to fund episode four.
If this campaign is successful, I’ll lift the curtain and invite you backstage with me. I’ll make you part of the entire journey. You’ll help me to decide what the episode will be about; you’ll witness my writing process, see how I work with my actors, experience the unexpected hurdles; but most importantly, you’ll help me oppose the dark entertainment options that are prevalent in the world today.
The world needs more light. Partner with me, and together let’s create a beautiful light in the darkness.
Note: If you have any issues submitting your support below, please let me know by emailing:
info [at]
Absolutely! I was saved in 2013 and my life has never been the same.
Some of my favourite theologians and bible teachers include:
I wrote the first episode in February 2020 while sick at home with what I thought was Covid (which turned out to be just the flu).
Besides the character lines performed by a cast of professional voice actors, I do everything myself.
I want to create something theologically rich at a world-class entertainment standard – to set a new standard for Christian theatre.
Adults are the primary target because Redeemed includes adult themes. I am purposely presenting an unfiltered depiction of life, with all of its blisters, tears and scars.
This is reality, and when we confront it, we embrace our desperate need for a saviour.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
– John 1:5